1978 was the beginning of me trying to understand and follow baseball. Fortunately for my sanity as a budding Red Sox fan, I didn't understand what was happening with the pennant race and what climaxed with Bucky Dent.
I was just trying to learn the team names, who the players are and to see figure out who was good.
And the Frosted Flake cards were my first standard of baseball excellence.
If you were on one of these 3D cards, then you were obviously awesome.

And I assumed that every player in my cereal box were not only that level of star, but that revered by the fan base.
Keep in mind I was also collecting the Topps cards in 1978... but with no guidance of who was who on each team, I had no clue which players were any good.
I never saw the Houston Astros play! How could I tell the difference between J. R. Richard and Mark Lemongello?
But if you were a 3-D Super Star from Kellogg's? That's a stamp of quality.

I remember talking with my cousin Dave in 1978 and getting excited when I realized he was a Mets fan.
"Oh, you must LOVE Lenny Randle!"
Why not? He was the only Met in the collection.

In fact I remember getting excited opening a pack of Topps cards when I got Dan Meyer. "Oh he is GOOD! He's Tony the Tiger good!"

I'd see Steve Ontiveros and think "That's an elite player!"
Little did I know that when all is said and done, he won't even be the best player NAMED Steve Ontiveros. (The A's would send a pitcher by that name to the All Star Game.)
Who knew there would be so many Steve Ontiveroses in baseball?

This Blyleven card also confused me because I couldn't understand why he was pitching while clearly standing near home plate.
Also the 3D effect never quite worked. They never looked three dimensional. They just looked like they were in front of a blurry background.
Then again, the 3D didn't work for me in Avatar either.
But that's just nit picking details.
For a 6 year old Sully, devouring Frosted Flakes and baseball, these cards were the first measuring stick of which players I should follow.
I never got to see National League Games and there was no Baseball Tonight nor Sports Center.
THIS was how I learned about National League stars and teams that rarely made it through Boston.
And I must say, to hell with VORP and OPS+ and all those other stats.
The best way to judge how good a player is? Find out if they were in my cereal!
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