Mark "The Bird" Fidrych is still worth remembering

It's been nearly 2 years since Mark Fidrych died and as a baseball fan, it still makes me sad knowing he is no longer around.

We may never see another unlikely and insanely bizarre success story like The Bird ever again, but I truly hope we do.

We need more FUN stars. We need more players on the field who are awesome and cool and that we can point to and say "if I had a decent pitch, that could be me."

I am convinced that is why Fernando Valenzuela is still a God at Chavez Ravine. Every Mexican American who watched him pitch thought "Hey that looks like me!" or "that looks like my buddy!" and felt they were only a screwball away from being a World Series hero.

The Bird was a goof ball from Massachusetts who just happened to have the ability to get batters out.

Gee whiz, I wonder why he is so loved by THIS goofball from Massachusetts!

Watch this video and enjoy the Bird. And while you are at it, baseball... find a new Bird.

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