happy birthday wishes

happy birthday wishes. Wish you a Happy Birthday
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  • dejo
    Apr 25, 05:16 PM
    What makes you think that cancelIt: is being passed an NSTimer object?

    happy birthday wishes. happy birthday wishes poems.
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  • NAG
    Jan 12, 03:08 PM
    Equating destruction of physical property to turning off tv sets is a stretch. Such hyperbole just makes more of the drama that they want. Why do you think they did this? They're attention whores.

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  • dunk321
    Mar 17, 01:24 AM
    JohnnyQuest chill out man you sound worse then my Dad growing up as a kid. Just telling a story, and sorry for my grammar must be that UCF education I paid for. Go to the fridge and bust open a bottle of that hater-aid or better yet, go get laid. Since you obviously seem pretty stressed over the story. Who are you anyway? Judge Jury and Executioner? Please

    happy birthday wishes. Happy Birthday Wishes Graphics
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  • UTclassof89
    Jul 21, 11:49 AM
    This is key. If the iPhone 4 isn't dropping calls any more often than the 3GS, then there is no real issue at all.....

    But Apple admitted that it DOES drop more calls than 3GS.

    They spun it as "less than 1 per 100", but assuming all 3,000,000 iPhone 4 users make about 5 calls per day, that's over ONE MILLION dropped calls per week MORE than iPhone 3GS.

    It's a problem.
    It's been reproduced by CNET, Consumer Reports, NYT, and many others.

    The debate here is not whether there's a problem, but why Apple is obfuscating, rather than fixing it, pretending that bridging the gap of their electrically exposed antenna is equivalent to attenuating an antenna by completely covering it with one's meaty hand.
    (seems like moving this gap to the bottom edge of the phone where it's far less likely to be touched, would be an easy fix).

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  • Dr Kevorkian94
    Sep 28, 06:00 PM
    he can control everything from his ipad and his iphone, he will be so happy with the house we cant have. but in all seriousness that is awesome but i wonder if it will be technological, and everything will run on ios. lol

    happy birthday wishes. I want to wish
  • I want to wish

  • Vidder
    Dec 8, 04:21 PM
    "Is it unfair to the team? Perhaps. But it's done to add to the game's longevity. It's something that throws in that little something extra after umpteen games."

    - You see it as that...i see it as don't play a team game if you don't want to be a team player. If you want to run around like a headless chicken do it in free-for-all.

    It's done out of fun.

    happy birthday wishes. Happy Birthday Shanthi
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  • skunk
    Apr 21, 11:11 AM
    I give it three phooeys.

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  • JesLam07
    Jan 15, 09:03 PM
    Well, MacBook Air didn't really impress me. I would never have any real use for it, but obviously Apple thinks someone will since they have it. And I'm sure someone will. I could sit here and type out everything that doesn't make me happy about it, but we all already know.

    Overall, I wasn't really impressed. I'm happy with what I already have....for once.

    happy birthday wishes. funny happy birthday wishes
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  • infam0uz
    May 3, 09:26 PM
    Just saw this on ABC Channel - Great Commerical.

    happy birthday wishes. happy birthday wishes!
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  • relimw
    Sep 25, 11:22 AM
    Aperture can indeed do watermarks on export.
    Hehe, you beat me to my editing....

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  • nli10@mac.com
    Jan 9, 04:44 PM
    Here: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/guide/appleevents/

    http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/j47d52oo/event/ has less spoiler - first post!

    happy birthday wishes. happy birthday wishes poems
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  • WiiDSmoker
    Mar 24, 06:35 PM
    I hate intrude in the birthday party, but if OS X 10.0 can have indicators to which process in open and running in the background (the black triangles in the screen shot) in 2000, then why can't iOS in 2011? :rolleyes:


    happy birthday wishes. happy birthday wishes.
  • happy birthday wishes.

  • xraytech
    May 4, 10:54 AM
    A great commercial. As a teacher who is getting 30 ipads for next years students I am super pumped. These truly are the future of education and I can't wait to have my students start using them.


    I've heard stories but DAYUM!!!

    Do you teach at a public, charter or private school. And what grade?

    happy birthday wishes. Birthday Wishes Quotes
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  • airforce1
    May 2, 11:19 AM
    Well that's just wrong... they aren't completely removing location tracking in anything. Just fixing "bugs" that stored to much information in a file on your phone.

    your correct, based on Steve Jobbs response to this which was pure BS we can never trust that the files do NOT get sent out, so with this and their sweat shops in china i think enough activists, governments around the world and companies will shut apple down, so its not just Congress coming to ask Apple why it was still there after a year ago when they where sued for using it to COLLECT POLITICAL VIEWS:

    Lets see why :

    Wikileeks, Wall street, Oil Giants, allot of these people used macs and iphones, I think Congress is doing the right thing indicting Apple for violations of privacy on US and foreign citizens becuase if they do nothing other nations will pull the plug forever, Israel already is planning a blockade on the devices

    happy birthday wishes. Teddy bear - Warm wishes
  • Teddy bear - Warm wishes

  • Since '84
    Jul 21, 04:21 PM
    You know, I've been reading all this stuff, and was a bit worried while I waited for my iPhone4 to arrive. Since then, I have traveled to 4 countries on business, and have been a long distance train through rural areas. I have tried everywhere to use the death grip to drop the signal to 0, but I can't. I can't get it to drop a call, and I can't get it to lose signal - I can get it to 1 bar but I can still surf on 3G with that, and the call quality has been fine. I've used overseas carriers' SIM's too...And I'm left handed, and have no case.
    At the end of all this, I've simply decided that for me, this phone is the best I've had, and I have no problem with it in any way. I'm just glad I won't have to read all this stuff and worry any more. Sorry if you have problems, but as everyone says, take it back. Being a long time Mac user I have no problem using equipment that is not the most common anyway.

    happy birthday wishes. Card Kid#39;s Boys Happy Birthday
  • Card Kid#39;s Boys Happy Birthday

  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 30, 12:24 AM
    Hey knock it off with all the off topic Windows drivel. Winrumors forums would be a better place to dispute these matters.

    Slight UI tweaks aren't a big topic pool to draw from.

    happy birthday wishes. happy birthday wishes.
  • happy birthday wishes.

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 3, 06:13 AM
    ??? Actually, those first versions of Windows were the only ones with names based on the version number.

    Although, I can't make out what either of you are saying.

    Egad. No sense of humor around here at all. I'm not 'saying' anything, just making a jab at the wording of a previous poster's wording (i.e. Windows7 took 7 years to get right, which is silly sounding when OSX has been at that 'version' for 10+ years. Now do some of you get it? Ragging on Windows7 (based on 'vista' which is only 5 years old by release date, although obviously started earlier internally (i.e. the 7 year old date makes no sense to begin with) and it's really based on NT which is 18 years old) when OSX is older (released for 10+ years and based on NeXT Step (NOT OS9) which is MUCH older (1985) than Windows period and that's based on Unix which is literally ancient in the tech world (1969). So no matter how you look at it, a comment that makes fun of Windows7' age versus OSX is ironic/funny/silly. That's the joke I saw. How silly of me to think people would 'get it'. :rolleyes:

    happy birthday wishes. Happy Birthday Wishes
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  • MattyMac
    Oct 10, 10:14 PM
    i made a quick mockup of what it could be like, i left out some details. I changed the dvd icon to a mail/gtube one(youtube) because it supossdly has wi-fi.....opinions?

    Dude that would be sweet!

    If it was like a PDA too and had MAIL...I would be all over it.

    EDIT: I would be all over it anyway...what the heck am I talking about.

    happy birthday wishes. happy-irthday-wishes.gif
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  • radiohead14
    Apr 16, 04:28 AM
    Apple's success is in large part driven by the ecosystem that they have built around iPod/iTunes/iPhone/iPad. Good luck to anyone breaking into that anytime soon. The day I can buy a song on Mac/PC, synch it to my Android phone, then stream it around my home to HiFi or TV then we will have a competitor. Apple knows it, the record companies and studios know it, someone needs to tell Google.

    What a shame. I really like Android OS but one of my biggest complaints by far is the lack of a solid service to sync and play music with my phone/tablet.

    already exists - Amazon Cloud/Music Player

    Sep 12, 07:29 AM
    I'm in Washington D.C. (8:24am EST) and just tried going into iTMS and there's a black page, with white text, announcing "It's Showtime. The iTunes Store is being updated." Here come the movies!
    i just tried the same with the swedish store, and its down :)
    maby this will be a world event afterall!!

    Dec 10, 07:02 PM
    As mentioned, the spawning is terrible. IMO worse than in MW2 (which seemed hard to believe at first)

    They shouldn't spawn anywhere near me. I hate spawning near the enemies too and die within 5 seconds of spawning. Personally, I'd rather wait 5-10 seconds for a spawning point to open up instead of dying right away.

    Nov 23, 04:16 PM
    $11, oh wow! :eek:

    Every penny counts though, right? ;)

    Mar 29, 07:20 AM
    Good. I'm all in favor of Apple adding more incentives for devs to embrace the Mac App store. As a consumer I really like the idea of an App Store that makes buying and installing as easy as one click as well as fostering competition between comparable apps.

    Yes, the AppStore makes it (too) easy to comfortably spend money.

    But as a consumer, I HATE the fact that I cannot sell the software that I purchased in the AppStore once I don't need or want it anymore. You know, this is my LEGAL RIGHT here in Germany, and with stuff bought from the AppStore, I don't have the possibility to execute this right because the AppStore does not have an option to transfer licenses to a new owner.

    Valve's Steam platform has the same limitation, so sadly this is not unique to Apple's store.

    This is why DRMed content should always be boycotted. DRM is not about granting the customer certain rights, it is exclusively about restricting his rights. In this case even to the extent to deny a customer his legal rights.

    I don't have a problem with traditional license keys. That's a copy protection mechanism that I can tolerate. Activation procedures are already problematic (they are unreliable at best), but to dongle software to a specific user account in an online store without enabling the user to transfer that software to a different account should be prohibited by law.

    It'll be their loss, especially since competitors like MS will follow suit and introduce a similar distribution model. Eventually everyone will be in the game, for the the simple reason that they'd like to duplicate Apple's success.

    1. You intentionally ignored the point that referred to Apple's Terms of Service. For example, applications like VMWare Fusion, Parallels Desktop or even SuperDuper! could never be distributed through the Mac AppStore because they belong in a category that Apple does not ALLOW in their AppStore. As a matter of fact, even their own Xcode violates their TOS. But they wouldn't be Apple if the same rules also applied to themselves...

    2. There won't be a Microsoft AppStore for Windows INTEGRATED INTO WINDOWS. EVER. Why? Because they can't for LEGAL reasons. Anti-trust lawsuits, anyone? Microsoft would only get away with that if they implemented a "choose your AppStore" program that would let the people choose which online store they want to use - just like they had to do it for the web browsers. I think that Apple should also be forced to do the same. After all, there is at least one other "AppStore" for the Mac out there that is even OLDER than Apple's own AppStore, and Apple misuses their power to drive those guys out of business. People stopped using Netscape when Internet Explorer came pre-installed on the operating system. Now people will not even try to look for another online store when the AppStore and iTunes are pre-installed on their computers. The same thing. The same rules should apply to Apple as they obviously apply to Microsoft.

    Apr 13, 10:27 AM
    I started my first full-time job recently so I'm not covered by my parents' insurances anymore which is why I got some own ones:


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